Our tours

We offer various guided tours:

Adventure family week

During the summer, you can come for a weeklong family week with your children, where you can enjoy the North with a lot of unique programs every day, like canoe trip, husky farm visit, bicycle tour, hiking tour, fjord crossing with ferry, treasure hunting, sandy beach day, fishing, wild camping...


Tours from December until end of April. You can sit on a big sled drived by the guide and pulled by 12 huskies, or you can drive your own team with 4-6 dogs on more day long tours.

Huskyfarm visit

If you want to meet purebreed Greenland dogs, siberian and alaskan huskies, pet them and play with them, ask us about dogsledding... than the huskyfarm visit is for you. 

Wheeled cart trip with huskies

From May until November there is no snow. We can enjoy the tours with dogs on a wheeled cart, what is pulled by 10-12 huskies. You can be the passanger and we will drive the cart.

Snowshoe hike with a husky

1 meter deep snow, dense snow-covered forest in Lapland... With snowshoes we can reach a place deep in the forest, where no one has gone before us, we can tread the path. The snowshoe tour can be even better in one way: with a husky. Explore the forest with a true northern explorer.

Hiking with a husky

Huge mountains, crystal clear streams, beautiful waterfalls, green forest, wild animals, views of the fjords from a mountain top... This is what hiking is all about. And you can enjoy all of this with a husky, who goes in front of you and pulling you - helps to hike. Huskies are the best hiking partners.

Bicycle trip with a husky

For 10-20 kilometers in the forest, next to small waterfalls, with views of the deep valley, crossing streams... This is what a bicycle trip gives for you. The husky will pull you with all of his strenght and helps to explore the area. The natural and green substitute for electric bikes. And in addition, you will get lots of love from a super cute dog.


Sledding with a husky for children

Small children who like to go sledding would definitely love it if they had a husky as their companion who pulls their sled on snowy ways and who, by the way, love to be cuddled.

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